Japan is a country of Monozukuri (Japanese culture of manufacturing or craftsmanship) where highly skilled master craftsmen create products with pride and dedication to continuous improvement. We proudly carry on that tradition and strive to provide unique and high quality products and services worldwide, thus making a positive impact on the human condition and overall quality of life.

Our Frontier Spirit

Through our ability to listen first to customer’s needs we foster an adventurous spirit to forge new products and services that enhance a person’s life and the society and environment that surrounds us.

A Philosophy of Coexistence

For the continuous progress of society, Amano will endeavor to co-exist with:
• Local communities and the environment
• Customers and suppliers
• Employees and stockholders

Commitment to Sustainable Growth

We aim to be fluid and adapt to the needs of an ever-changing society. We continually strive to improve our quality of work so we are flexible and nimble to an evolving world.

Best of all, enzymes also reduce the impact of manufacturing on the environment by reducing the consumption of chemicals, water and energy, and in turn, the generation of waste. All fitting nicely into both are short and long term goals of our company.

Sustainable Mason Jar Terrariums - Amano's Commitment to Environmental Responsibility